God, Politics, and the Rules for Being a Jesus Follower

Welcome back! Today’s newsletter begins with an introduction to our latest blog post…it’s all about God and politics…no joke! Then it’s time for you to get the first look at Session 4 of our upcoming Jesus Followers course. What are the rules for being a Jesus follower? Enjoy!


Well, THIS will be a fun topic! Many thanks (should I be thanking her?) to M.J. James (click her name to visit her fantastic website!) for bringing this question to me. Her actual original question was, “Voting and God- should these really remain separate or are we missing the mark?” However, I took the liberty to expand it into something even more divisive and uncomfortable. You’re welcome.

Just a reminder, if you’ve got a burning question about following Jesus and how that relates to life, feel free to send it in using our EverNearer.com contact form!


I could make this very easy on myself. In the blog post What About the Dinosaurs? I quoted Paul in his second letter to Timothy:

“Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful.”

 -2 Timothy 2:23-24 NIV

There certainly are a lot of foolish and stupid arguments in relation to politics, and I’ve been the agitator many times in the past. Should we just stay out of it all? Perhaps a good Jesus follower is above the fray.

In fact, some would even say that Jesus didn’t engage in the politics of His time, so we should not engage in politics either. The problem with that is, He did deal with politics when they came up…and politics are part of what got Him crucified.


First Look at Session 4 of our Jesus Followers Course!

Ready for the preview? Here is the video for the first draft of Session 4 for our new Jesus Followers Course. What are the rules for being a Jesus follower? Are there any rules? What about churches that have different rules?

I’d love for you to check it out, just click my smiling face! Please send me any feedback you have by replying to this email. Thanks!

Some helpful links:

Link to the New Jesus Followers course outline for your review and suggestions!

Blog Post: What About God and Politics?

EverNearer Contact Form

Newsletter Archive

BONUS: The Inspire Bible I use every day!


PLEASE check out the course outline and offer any suggestions you have!

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Love you, my friend!


“Come close to God, and God will come close to you.”
-James 4:8a NLT