Something new, and a preview!

Ok, all, we’re mixing things up. In this newsletter we will start with an introduction to our latest blog post and then you’ll get a preview. A preview of what? The first video in our new course for Jesus followers. Enjoy!


Y’all, I don’t usually take a question and immediately turn it into a blog post, but this one tugs at my heart, and I feel the Holy Spirit calling me to address it.

It comes from my friend Shell Giermann, who I’ve known for many years! If you also want to submit a question like Shell did, head over to our contact page.

Let me give you the scenario as Shell sent it to me. She was talking to a friend. This friend “had a strong faith as a child, still believes there is a God, but really wants nothing to do with Him because of life experiences. Her big struggle is how a God who knows all and loves all can allow babies and children to suffer. (She was abused and lost a newborn who lived for 12 hours- and she never got to hold him.)”

“All that to ask - how do I witness to, encourage, and show God’s love to someone who doesn’t understand how a loving God allows things like this?”

Wow. This one really hit me. Let’s see if we can help Shell’s friend reestablish a strong relationship with the Lord!


The fact is, Shell gave us one question, but there’s another lurking under it. And the lurker is where we must start. The questions are:

  1. Why does a loving God allow difficult things to happen to “innocent” people?

  2. How do I reach people who don’t care about God (or don’t believe He exists) because they’ve never gotten a satisfactory answer to the first question?


Ready for the preview? Here is the video for the first draft of Module 1 for our new Jesus Followers Course. I’d love for you to check it out and send me any feedback you have! Just visit our contact page. Thanks!

Some helpful links:

Link to the New Jesus Followers course outline for your review and suggestions!

Blog Post: How Can I Witness About God When He Allows Innocent People to Suffer?

EverNearer Contact Form

Newsletter Archive

BONUS: The Inspire Bible I use every day!


PLEASE check out the course outline and offer any suggestions you have!

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Love you, my friend!


“Come close to God, and God will come close to you.”
-James 4:8a NLT