Does the Bible Have Errors?

Does the Bible Have Errors?

No, but if you look for errors in the Bible, you will find them.

Wait, What?

The problem with belief is this, when you look for something to be true, you’ll find evidence to support it, irrespective of its actual truth. In psychology this is known as confirmation bias. It is defined as:

“People’s tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with their existing beliefs.”

It’s why people who have certain political leanings (no matter which direction) will interpret the same event in wildly different ways. Confirmation bias shows up in every area of life and is inescapable.

Well, mostly inescapable. Those with true wisdom can often work without it interfering.

What this means for our question is that, due to confirmation bias, if you believe the Bible is infallible you will see how there are no errors or conflicts, but if you believe the Bible has errors, then they will be glaringly obvious to you.

But who is right and who is wrong? Either the Bible is error free, or it is not. In relation to the question, confirmation bias is not relevant, both perspectives cannot be true.


Truth is Not the Issue

For people who do not believe the Bible, at least for those you can even convince to express an opinion on the Bible’s veracity, they will say it’s just a bunch of old myths that do not apply to today’s society. But if you press them, they will let you know they believe it’s full of errors.

They will suggest the Bible conflicts with itself and that it also conflicts with what we have discovered in modern science. They’ll tell you that sin is an outmoded concept and that the Bible is hard to read. And they’ll tell you they’re not interested in following someone else’s rules.

Ah, that gets us to the root of the problem. It’s not whether the Bible is true or not. It’s whether people want to do what they think it says. Most people looking for errors in the Bible aren’t looking for errors in the Bible for purely academic purposes. No, they are looking for errors because if the Bible is true, they’ll need to change their lifestyle.

Can I be frank here? You can find many, many resources listing the “errors in the Bible”. I don’t need to list any supposed biblical errors here. However, you can also find resources that prove the inaccuracies in each of those supposed errors.

It’s not about whether the Bible is true or not. It’s about people not wanting to be beholden to the requirements to enter Heaven if the Bible IS true.

But then you ask. “What if someone really did do an accurate, unbiased analysis of the Bible. Would they find errors or not?”


Ok, Truth IS the Issue

Well, if you want the actual truth, then no, there aren’t any errors in the Bible. Without digging into a bunch of “what about this, what about that” it’s relatively easy to prove the Bible is true and error free. In case you’d like a powerful, detailed explanation of Biblical inerrancy, check out this video by Dr. Bob Wilkin.

Here is the simple proof the Bible is true and error free. In the middle of what is commonly known as The High Priestly Prayer in John 17, Jesus makes this statement in speaking to God the Father:

“Your word is truth.”
-John 17:17b

If you believe Jesus is God, the only Son of the Father, then you know Jesus only speaks truth. In fact, Jesus is, “the way, the truth, and the life.” If Jesus is the truth, He cannot lie. If He then says that God’s Word is truth, then it cannot be inaccurate.

The only remaining argument is if you don’t believe that the Bible is the word of God. Of course, you have free will, which gives you the option to believe that if you like. Except you cannot be a Jesus follower and not believe the Bible is the word of God. Why? Because the Bible itself makes it clear that it is the word of God.

“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”
-Mark 13:31 ESV

Why would God provide us words that last forever if they are not true? Why would God send us eternal lies that would deceive us? Of course, He didn’t. He reminded us about trust.

“Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.”
-John 14:1 NLT

Finally, remember these verses.

“I am the LORD, and I do not change.”
-Malachi 3:6 NLT

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
-Hebrews 13:8 NLT


Bringing it All Together

Jesus Himself is the truth. He does not change. He is the Word. The Word does not change. It cannot be that the Word of God, which is Jesus, brought to us through the pages of scripture, all of which is breathed out by God can be anything but 100% error free.

We can try to deny it because we don’t want to obey it, but we cannot possibly disprove its truth. And so, it comes to this. The truth of the Bible is clear to those who want the actual truth. Only those who are deceived or actively opposed to truth can claim otherwise. Even so, not only is it impossible to prove any error in the Bible through evidence or study, but the witness of the Holy Spirit also speaking through it proves its truth in our hearts.


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Love you Jesus follower!
