Where Do I Find Time to Study the Bible?


Let’s answer this one with just two words.

You don’t.

There ya go. Good enough? Might be our shortest blog post ever. Oh, you want more? Okey dokey.

But the truth is the truth. You and I, we don’t find time to study the Bible. At this point you may be thinking, “Ok, he doesn’t know me at all. I study the Bible every single day. Well, most days. But I DO find time to study the Bible.”

Maybe You’re Doing It Wrong

Full disclosure. I used to find time to study the Bible. Every once in a while, I still do. And maybe I’m mistaken about you. Perhaps you also find time to study the Bible.

But if you’re finding time to study the Bible, like I did for many years, I suggest you’re going about drawing ever nearer to Jesus in the wrong way. Oh, and if you’re waiting for me the say, “you don’t find time to study the Bible, you make time to study the Bible“ that’s not the plan.

I can’t make time, you can’t make time, only God can make time. We each get 168 hours in a week, and none of us can add to that.

The problem is inherent in the original question, “Where do I find time to study the Bible?”

The Better Question

The better question to ask is this, “Why should I prioritize time to study the Bible?” You have other responsibilities. Maybe you’re a spouse or a parent. Maybe you’re taking care of your own aging parents. Maybe you’re running kids to all kinds of activities, daycare, school, sports, etc. Maybe much of your time is consumed in your job or business. Maybe the work of caring for the home and duties such as laundry and cooking keep you tied up. Maybe even the work of the church, whether paid or volunteer, fills many of your weekly allotment of 168 hours, on top of everything else.

Maybe your schedule is so packed that finding time to study the Bible is a major challenge. I mean seriously. You have a lot going on. Perhaps you’re dreadfully busy.

With all the demands on your time, why should you even bother trying to find time to study the Bible? Oh, wait, we determined that was the wrong question. Let’s look at some of the words of Jesus.

You cannot be my disciple, unless you love me more than you love your father and mother, your wife and children, and your brothers and sisters. You cannot follow me unless you love me more than you love your own life.” -Luke 14:26 CEV

Thanks For the Guilt Trip

I tell you what, if I was already crazy busy and someone laid that verse on me to pressure me to spend more time studying the Bible, I’d be just a little upset. I might think, “Buddy, I don’t need you trying to guilt me into reading the Bible, that’s NOT going to help here. I’m doing my best to be a good Jesus follower!”

I agree, it’s not very helpful…without explanation. Here we go.

You don’t want you to study the Bible only for your sake. (Just an aside, studying the Bible is different than reading the Bible. Studying means digging in for deeper understanding, meaning, and application to life. You read fiction novels. You study the Bible so God can use it to change your life, and the lives of those you influence.) You want to study the Bible. Or hopefully you will want to do so after this next part.

Why I Prioritize Studying the Bible

In my more than 30 years as a Jesus follower, I didn’t always study the Bible. I read the Bible, at least most days. Ok, who am I kidding? There were periods of time where I didn’t really even read the Bible. Do you want to find yourself slowly drifting away from God and back into old sinful habits? I know the recipe for that…stop paying attention to His Word.

But a couple of years ago I started making it a priority to study the Bible. At the time I had a full-time job, I had family responsibilities with grandchildren, I volunteered at church, I spent time with my lovely wife, I was an avid runner, and I did some of the work that’s associated with being a homeowner. In short, I was busy, just like you.

But somehow the Holy Spirit reached out to me to download a one-year New Testament reading plan. I can say that reading plan was a major part in changing my relationship with God. It wasn’t that the plan was special, it’s literally just dividing up the New Testament into sections for daily reading. But what it did was allow me to focus on a specific passage each day, while also seeing the sweeping narrative of the life of Jesus, along with the almost unbelievable results of all He said and did. That process, no doubt the work of the Holy Spirit in me, got me excited about what I would learn next! In fact, it also led me to post scripture passages along with my own associated commentary on applying it to our daily lives. I’ve now been doing those daily posts on social media, only missing an occasional day, for about two years.

I truly love studying the Bible! Perhaps in another post we will tackle the question, How Should I Study the Bible? Because, as I mentioned, it’s more than just the reading of passages.

Ok, Really, Here’s WHY I Prioritize Studying the Bible

The first purpose for me (and for you) to prioritize studying the Bible is probably obvious, it’s to support your drawing ever nearer to Jesus. It promotes your own spiritual development. It allows you to love and serve Him better. It makes you more attuned to hearing His voice and following His promptings. It also allows you to let go of guilt over forgiven sins and to let go of mistakes you’ve made. In short, there are many reasons for each of us personally to study the Bible.

But for me, there is an even greater purpose…and it’s why I produce all the content at EverNearer.com and other places. You see, when I prioritize studying the Bible, it impacts every person I interact with. My children, my grandchildren, the people I serve, the people I work with, my church, my extended family, the amazing woman I am married to, every person I touch, including YOU, benefits from me studying the Bible. It’s part of creating a powerful army of Jesus followers!

People grow closer to God because I study the Bible. Hopefully, because I study the Bible, many souls will be saved that would otherwise have gone to Hell. I want the world to be changed for the Kingdom of God, and it comes back to me prioritizing studying the Bible.

What About You?

Listen, you’re busy. I get that. So am I. You have a lot to do and if you take time to prioritize studying the Bible, you may wonder how it will all get done. Can I bring Jesus back into the conversation at this point?

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” – Matthew 6:33 NLT

Two points, and then I’ll wrap this up.

1)     Do you trust God to do what He said He would? Then seek His Kingdom above all else, including studying His Word. And He will make sure everything you need is fulfilled.

2)     Is anything more important than making an eternal difference in the lives of those you love, and anyone else the Lord brings under your sphere of influence? I don’t think so.


Don’t try to find time or make time to study the Bible. No, put His Kingdom first, and prioritize studying the Bible. No earthly activity has anywhere near the same level of importance. Let God use you to do His perfect will to reach the world.