Should I Be Worried About What’s Happening in the World?

Should I Be Worried About What’s Happening in the World?


Oh, you’ve observed that culture is degrading rapidly, and you’re worried about how it might affect you, your kids, your grandkids, or other loved ones. You’ve watched Christian leaders and churches fall under the sway of false doctrines and you’re worried about the state and future of the church.

Stop it.

Stop worrying about all those things. You should not be worried about what’s happening in the world. If we are worrying, we are disobeying a direct command of Jesus.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34 NIV


Why Do We Worry?

If Jesus told us, more than once, not to worry, then why do we have the habit of doing so? I believe the answer is simple. We worry because there are circumstances beyond our control. We aren’t actually worried about things over which we have control.

Wait, that’s not right. We worry all the time about things over which we have some control.

To be clear, we worry about two types of things:

1.      Things we have some control over.

2.      Things we have no control over.

If you’re paying attention, you will have noticed those two include everything. Now, we don’t actually worry about everything (I hope) but we often DO worry about things both under and outside our control. You think I’m wrong? Start making a list of the last several things you’ve worried about. I’m guessing it won’t take long for you to find something you’ve worried about over which you at least have some control. One worry may be that you are afraid to take a step…even though that’s how you can exercise control.

So then, why do we worry if it’s not about control? Ok, NOW I’ll give you the real answer.

We worry because we fear the outcome of the situation. Sisters and brothers, all worry is based in fear. If we don’t have fear then we don’t have worry.

Why would you worry about something if you don’t fear the outcome? You wouldn’t. The root of worry is ALWAYS fear.


You’re Afraid, Now What?

Maybe you’re thinking, “Great, now I’m worried AND afraid! What am I supposed to do with that??” Don’t worry 😊 I’ve got you. Let’s look at some more words from Jesus.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
-John 14:27 ESV

Jesus tells us not to be afraid. Why not? Because He gives us His peace. It is ours by simply accepting it. Let me show you a couple of other scripture passages.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
-Isaiah 41:10 ESV

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”
-2 Timothy 1:7 ESV

Jesus gives us His peace. God says He is with us and will strengthen and help us. The Holy Spirit gives us not fear, but power, love, and self-control.

We worry because of fear, and we fear because in the moment we forget to look to God for peace, Presence, strength, help, power, love, and self-control to not fear.


Being Afraid vs. Fear

Can I make a distinction for you sisters and brothers? Being “suddenly afraid” when something unexpected happens is perfectly normal. If a car very nearly runs you off the road, then your adrenaline spikes and you are suddenly afraid. You feel an instant rush of temporary fear. But then, when the situation passes, you return to a non-afraid state.

The type of fear we are talking about is different. Fear in this case is a lifestyle. Fear is something we have decided to have and to hold on to. I’m going to say something. It might be a revelation, but it might not. I’m not sure how you’re going to take it, but I’m going to say it anyway.

Fear is a choice.

We choose to have fear. We choose to be fearful. And when we choose fear, worry naturally follows. If fear wasn’t a choice, then why did God tell us to “Fear not”? Because fear is something we choose, fear is something we can choose not to have.


It Gets Easier

Beloved, I used to live in fear. Fear of weather situations, fear of a physical issue I dealt with, fear of a number of things. But I don’t anymore. Do you know why? Because I made the conscious decision to accept God at His word and “fear not.” Was it easy at first? Yes and no. Some fears were quickly dropped when I took actions to decrease the likelihood of their occurrence. Some fears took more time, more reading of the Bible, more hours in His presence, more trust in His sovereignty of the outcomes.

But over time, the fears diminished, and the Holy Spirit was faithful to bring me the peace promised by Jesus.

I do want to make sure not to miss an important point. When we started this conversation, we spoke about things we worry about over which we have some control and those over which we have no control. We have both the opportunity and the responsibility to take steps to follow Christ. And those steps include showing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. When you take actions related to love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control you will find that fear and worry decrease…and often disappear.

Let me summarize this point.

Worry leads to unhealthy, obsessive focus on that which is harmful. Prayerful action leads to improving the situation.


What Now?

Sisters and brothers, I want you to know something. You do not have to live with fear in your life. In some rare cases people deal with panic attacks, if those are part of your story, then please do seek professional help. But for most of us, most of the time, we have the choice to live in fear or not.

Am I saying you can wake up tomorrow with zero fear? No. But I am saying you can start right now, in this instant, and ask the Holy Spirit to bring His peace to your spirit. You can tell Him of your fears and ask Him to relieve you of those burdens. I am saying that your life can start getting better right now, if you decide to take God at His word and purposefully, prayerfully fear not.


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Love you Jesus follower!
