Can we trust God in our lives? How can we know that He can be trusted? Whether you’ve been following Jesus for a short time or many years, these are good questions to answer with Biblical evidence.
What about people who have sexual sin in their past? Can God still redeem their lives for His purposes? Let’s talk about one powerful biblical example AND see a way to overcome habitual sin!
What exactly is freedom? Is freedom different for Jesus followers than everyone else? What did Jesus mean when He said He came to set us free? Read on to find out!
Is God like an overprotective parent who just wants to control our lives? Why does God make us follow rules? Can we follow Jesus and not be forced to obey a bunch of capricious rules? It’s time to find out!
How is it that every other Christian seems to know exactly what God wants them to do? Is there a way for me to have some idea what the Lord wants ME to do??? Read on to find out!
Should you read books outside the Bible or is the Bible sufficient on its own? If you are going to read outside the Bible, where are some places to start? It’s time to answer these questions!
Have you ever been bored reading the Bible? Have you ever thought of it as a drudgery? How can you make reading the Bible something you WANT to do? Read on to find out!
Have you ever felt unworthy of the call of God? Have you ever doubted that He thinks you’re the right person to serve Him? Why do we Jesus followers sometimes feel unworthy and what should we do about it? Read on to find out!
Why should I give up my time to serve at church? Isn’t it enough that I show up and give my tithe? What’s in it for me? The truth is, there are multiple benefits for you to serve at church! Read on to find out more!
Does God know the future? Does He know everything that will happen in my life? Then how is it possible I have free will? Am I just a robot at the whim of God? It’s time to find the answers to these questions!